Music by Dessa, who is AMAZING, oh my god. Go listen. Just, her range of styles, her voice, her lyrics, this woman is a storyteller and her...I just cannot even with this woman, she kills me in the best way.

Music from the YouTube Studio Audio Library, including one that now has a copyright claim, so you know, if you're looking to get your music out there, apparently some folk are seeing success. And people like me appreciate it a lot.

Music by Jasmine Thompson, whose voice is just so beautiful, she gives me chills. She makes a lot of music, you should definitely check out her YouTube channel at Jasmine Thompson and hit that Subscribe button.

Music from World of Warcraft during gameplay recordings.

Ishnu alah, y'all.

You know how most people main a class in video games that offer you different classes? For a long time I mained hunter, and then rogue, and for a while I mained warrior.

But what I really mained was kaldorei. Night elves. You know, the awesome matriarchal warrior priestess race of equal parts savagery and beauty, ruthlessness and compassion, that Blizzard decided to burn to death in their homes to kick off BfA and then didn't ever bother to follow up on. That race.

They made it not fun anymore. And then there came news of the lawsuit.

I don't play that game anymore. But I did for a long time, and you can see some of it here.

The first video on the left here is the first video I ever made, just trying to figure out how to do it.

Then I did the video for a huge multi-server RP event.

Then I got sad.

Then I quit.