
For the absolute beginner

Season of the Haunted has been here a while


And I'm still loving it! I've gone back to Void, I'm enjoying the new guns and the new Derelict Leviathan with its constant Nightmare Containment, but mostly what I'm loving is the story. And based on the last mission, the Sever: Forgiveness one of this week, I'm thinking that things are not going to turn out quite like we might have assumed.

Zavala seems to have come to terms with things, but as of his last message, I can't say I think he sounds...better. And given what Bungie is doing with the story, and their conscious focus on mental health and mental...wellbeing, I guess, I can't help wondering whether they're taking this in a specific direction...one that is, I think, critical, but also really hard. And I mean, logically our next nightmare focus would be Caiatl, and can anyone really see her coming to terms with the guilt and ghost of her father, and having him hanging around with Uldren and Safiya over the little communication board or whatever that is?

It has been so interesting to hear her interactions with Zavala, though. I thought I had captured the transmission between them after the Grief mission but I can't find it, so I guess I didn't, but I need to find it on YouTube or something because it's really great.

Anyway, I'm more curious than ever about what next week will bring....

Season of the Haunted is here!!!


And let me say, I am ALL IN. I started poking around Solar on my Hunter—a subclass I have never been good at—and was actually enjoying it! There's a Solar healing grenade, so I'm noodling around with a Hunter healing build: Discipline-heavy with whatever grenade kickstarter mods I can get (if any), maybe Fr0st-EE5 to speed up my cooldowns, Lumina hand-cannon for those lovely bright rings that give me white-hot heals to shoot at my allies.... I mean I probably couldn't use it very effectively in pickup groups, but if I'm out there with like Karis and Silver and they know I'mma be lobbing healing grenades and shooting them with healing bullets, it could be fun.

Of course it's hard for me to say goodbye to Void invisibility and Wormhusk Crown, but I'm not sure but what that might have been nerfed. I wasn't getting as much health back last night on Calus's ship as I'm used to, so I don't know, it might've been because my recovery was lower or something. I need to do some testing. Or switch back to Void and go again.

And of course I'm SO EAGER for them to get Arc 3.0; I was a top-tree arc main for a while and really enjoyed it, especially with Liar's Handshake or Assassin's Cowl. And okay, sure, I couldn't go invisible, but I was getting my melee back like every...8 seconds? Something ridiculous like that. So I'm both excited and nervous about what they're going to do with Arc.

And yeah, to literally no one's surprise I'm a little confused about how to unlock ALL the abilities...I fear some may be locked behind a PvP wall. I've never completed my Stasis subclass because I can't get the needed final Stasis blows in Gambit, and yes, I know I can just kill the mobs, it doesn't have to be against players, but do you know how hard it is to get the final blow when so many people are all trying to kill everything in sight?

Well, anyway, it's hard for me. I've got like 9 of the Gambit final blows that I need, and that's after a dozen or so Gambit matches.

And I'm a bit miffed that Solar hunter has THREE dodges to choose from while Void still just has two. And the new zone confuses me...I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to do there. It seems smallish, but it's got patrols like any other zone, and there seems to always be an incoming public event that I...don't understand at all, so I just try to kill all the things.

But I'm still super excited to play, and I'm still loving the Throne World, and honestly I kinda just want to go to the moon and play with Solar for a while in the Altars of Sorrow. Talk about a target-rich environment.