But Shiver, why?
Why did I start playing Destiny 2? Because a friend of mine from my World of Warcraft guild told me it was fun, and since there's no monthly sub I thought I'd give it a go. I needed a break from WoW, which has turned into me leaving WoW altogether, but gun go brrrrr, man, and I get zippy speeder bikes to ride around on, and there is always something to do.
Or why did I start making videos? To see if I could. My ADHD brain loves it, I can hyperfocus on videos for way too long. And I started making D2 videos to help my sister learn how to play. She's on the opposite coast from me so I couldn't do it in person. And then I started thinking, well, hey, maybe it'd help someone else, too. D2 is not kind to beginners.
Why did I make a YouTube channel? At first, to see if I could. Then because I felt like there aren't enough content creators aiming how-to videos at players who can't field a full raid team or don't understand about mods or whatever. New players, casuals, folks like me who can sink a lot of time into the game but don't have anyone to teach them the basics, and then the intermediate stuff.
And I made a website because I needed to test something for work.
No, seriously. I needed an HTTP server to test a thing. So...
Yes that is exactly how my brain works.